My Grand Teaching at PSU High School

It was a sunny day when finally my final grand teaching day arrived. Today, Sept 23rd, 2019 at 11.00 AM my class was started. I taught the students for senior high school grade XI and the topic was the principles of Speech Delivery. The class was fun and all the students still keep their enthusiastic as like the first time I met them. For my warming up, I used the continuous story technique.


The students needed to continue my story and other students need to continue their friends’ story too. The purpose why I conducted that warming up was because they have to be ready whatever happens should the opportunity to deliver the speech arises sometime.


I asked five of them to come to the front and practice the exercise. After finished, I delivered the material about the principles in speech delivery (This is the PPT file:  PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH) but before coming deeper, I explained the material about how to deliver the speech in front of people and how to avoid such 7 deadly sins in public speaking. At the end of the class, I asked them to write their speech about one of the themes I mentioned, such as Bullying, Education and a healthy lifestyle. Those students were so enthusiast and creative in creating their speech. Students practiced their speech in front of the class, and they did the speech great with the perfect elements of public speaking. I was really amazed by their performance for such their age, but they did the speech very well. They way they delivered and created their speech text was just unbelievable.


For the Grand Teaching, I used the Philippines lesson plan form: Lesson Plan_ Speech TERBARU-converted. This material was related to the material I gave them in the previous meeting. On the previous meeting, I taught the verbal and nonverbal communication, meanwhile, in this meeting, I talked more about how the speech was being delivered and what categorized as an effective speech, such as the gestures, body movement, language, intonation, etc. Not only that, but I also gave the materials on what do they need to avoid in speech, such as the lack of preparation, over the pride of themselves, Don’t care to their audience, etc. Hopefully, after they got the materials, they will be more confident in delivering the speech in front of people.


At the end of the teaching, I asked students to write their impression towards my teaching class as it was my last teaching at the class. The purpose of the activity was because I wanted to know their impressions and hopefully, I can improve my teaching skills with their advice. They were excited to write the impression on a small piece of paper.




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